
Well, this will include personal stuff about me such as:

  • Married with one son who is named after a West Indian cricketer.
  • High School (1982, Atomic Energy Central School, Hyderabad)
  • B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering (1986, Indian Institute of Technology Madras)
  • Ph. D. in Theoretical Physics (1991, University of Pennsylvania) (I also collected a Masters degree to satisfy bean counters in India! At Penn, that meant you have passed the qualifying at the Masters level or higher in addition to finishing standard coursework.)
  • I am huge sports fan — teams that I follow include any India/Tamilnadu/Hyderabad/Philadelphia team.
  • I have lived in Bombay[7+2 years], Madras[4+2+16* years], Hyderabad[10 years], Philadelphia[5 years], Bonn[1 year], Geneva[9 months] and Zurich[3 months]. My timeline is as follows
\begin{eqnarray} \mathrm{Bombay} \rightarrow \stackrel{\rm AECS}{\mathrm{Hyderabad}} \rightarrow \stackrel{\rm IITM}{\mathrm{Madras}} \rightarrow \stackrel{\rm UPenn}{\mathrm{Philadelphia}} \rightarrow \stackrel{\rm IMSc}{\mathrm{Madras}}\rightarrow \stackrel{\rm TIFR}{\mathrm{Bombay}}\hspace{2in} \\ \stackrel{\rm IITM}{\rightarrow \mathrm{Madras}}\rightarrow \stackrel{\rm UBonn}{\mathrm{Bonn}} \rightarrow \mathrm{Madras} \rightarrow \stackrel{\rm CERN/ETH}{\mathrm{Geneva/Zurich}} \rightarrow \mathrm{Madras} \end{eqnarray}
  • I have been running on a regular basis since 2006. I ran the IITM Road Race for the first time in 2007. I plan to run it regularly as long as I can. I am now (in 2016) a regular runner logging around 2000K per year. Here are some races that I participated in.
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